
Gold bull market


First, follow up the acquisition of TikTok. US President Trang asked TikTok to complete the equity transfer with American companies before September 15, but he showed his true nature as a madman.

Refers to most of the transaction amount, which should be transferred to the US Treasury. Dangdang's speech by a country's president is really confusing! The Chinese Foreign Ministry criticized that the United States used "unwarranted" charges to suppress Chinese enterprises.

Warn the US not to take advantage of political manipulation, or you will suffer the consequences. New viruses continue to wreak havoc around the world. As of yesterday, the cumulative number of infected people in novel coronavirus exceeded 186.5 million.

The number of confirmed deaths increased to over 702,000. The United States continues to be the country with the most infections in the world with 4.9 million cumulative infections.

The U.S. Treasury Department will announce the scale of treasury bond bidding in the next three months later today. However, it still needs the Democratic Party and Republican Party of the United States to narrow their differences and reach a consensus on the second round of epidemic relief plan.

However, it is estimated that this plan will be passed, because the demands of the people obviously put pressure on members of both parties, which is attributed to the real democratic election system. There are indications that the scale of issuing bonds this time will break the record again.

To make up for the current deficit of each federal government in the United States. On Monday, the Ministry of Finance said that it expects to issue bonds of up to 947 billion US dollars from July to September, which is 270 billion US dollars more than the expected scale in May.

The market expects that the bond issuance in August will hit a historical record of 108 billion US dollars. Due to the flooding of the market, the yield of five-year treasury bonds in the United States fell to 0.2%, the lowest ever recorded.

The US dollar index fell below 93.5 level again yesterday, with the lowest drop to 93.26, due to the expectation that Congress will expand the scale of issuing bonds and abundant market funds. Gold price broke the record high again last night! Up to $2,020 per ounce,

With the epidemic plaguing the economies of various countries, while the central banks of various countries maintained low interest rates, they loosened monetary policies in a large amount, and the political situation between China and the United States was tense, which created a wave of record-breaking events of gold prices this year.

Yesterday, it closed at $2019 per ounce, up sharply by $43! It is expected that it will continue to hit a record high in the short term.

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