
After the storm


Yesterday, Hygaus hit Hong Kong, and typhoon signal No.9 was once hoisted at the Observatory. Usually, after a typhoon, there will always be a ruin, but this storm has blown away the optimistic atmosphere of the gold market.

The price of gold plunged 72.4 US dollars or 3.6% yesterday, and finally reported 1929.6 US dollars per ounce, close to the lowest closing price of 1924.8 US dollars per ounce in the whole day. Try to analyze the reasons for this gold market adjustment.

Let's start with the new COVID-19 epidemic. Although the novel coronavirus epidemic is still serious, there is no formal vaccine production to fight the virus. However, local governments have taken strict measures to control the spread of the virus.

Take the United States as an example. The United States is the country with the most serious cumulative cases of novel coronavirus infection in the world, with more than 5.68 million people infected. However, data show that the number of single-day infections has dropped to the lowest level since the end of June.

Bill de Blasio, the mayor of new york, which has the highest population density in the United States, said yesterday that the positive rate of novel coronavirus in new york dropped to the lowest level since the outbreak of the epidemic. After the positive reaction lasted for two months and was lower than 3%,

This week, it dropped to a record 0.24%. Of the 64 hospitalized cases due to respiratory symptoms, only 6 were infected with novel coronavirus. It can be seen that the epidemic has really passed its peak.

Second, the relationship between China and the United States is slightly dawning; First of all, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation said that China's improper handling of the epidemic was cited by local officials' corruption. This statement sounds reasonable, but does the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China have no responsibility at all?

It's a matter of opinion, but in any case, it has prepared the next step for the supreme leaders of the two countries! On the other hand, the trade meeting between the two countries, which was originally thought to have been postponed indefinitely, is expected to reopen. When asked whether the United States withdrew from the first stage of China-US trade agreement,

US President Trump replied, "We'll wait and see." Contrary to the usual mode of firing a gun, although White House chief of staff meadows said earlier that there was no plan to reschedule the talks,

However, Wright Heze, the US trade negotiator, still keeps regular contact with Chinese representatives. It is rumored that the meeting will be held this week. Finally, regarding the economic factors in the United States, last night, the Federal Reserve Board released the minutes of its policy meeting in July.

Records show that members are worried that the recovery of the US economy from the recession caused by the epidemic is full of uncertainties, and whether the resumption of business activities can improve the profitability of enterprises, while the labor market is still weak, etc.

It urged the Federal Reserve to implement large-scale stimulus measures for a longer period of time and unanimously agreed to maintain the short-term interest rate target at 0-0.25%. Although all experts have expected the interest rate and its policy to remain unchanged, the market still regards it as good news for the US dollar.

Last night, the US dollar index rebounded at a two-year low and returned to 93.

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