
play on the swing


December 19th

Today's amplitude range

China is determined to switch on and off, and the speed of normalization will be accelerated, which will help solve the global supply chain shortage problem and ease the pressure of global inflation growth; In addition, American inflation

Although the drama has slowed down, the Fed is afraid that inflation will resurface and remain more hawkish, which is not conducive to the upward trend of the gold market. However, Europe and the United States are competing for interest rate hikes, and the economy suffers

After the crackdown, the global stock market plunged, and some safe-haven funds flowed into the gold market from the stock market, which supported the gold price. The gold market became sensitive and rose sharply this week because of the fear of interest rates.

A sharp drop, but still can't get out of the restricted area. If the area is between $1,780 and $1,820, it is expected that the same will happen before the end of this year. Can be $1785 as the central axis,

Make band trading and implement low and high. The suggested volatility today is $1,776 to $1,794.

Last week, the mainland released a number of November data, among which the retail sales data showed the worst performance, with a year-on-year growth of negative 5.9%, while the industrial production index and fixed technical capital

All of them were worse than expected. China was caught in the epidemic and its epidemic prevention policy, which caused three horses and chariots to stall. In addition, the central government recently reiterated the principle of no speculation in housing, and the market

Feeling the pressure of wealth growth, in addition, the Fed's interest rate hike also put pressure on the risk market. Fortunately, the market saw that the mainland resolutely opened up the disease prevention policy, and the decline was closed.

Narrow, the same as the final HSI closed at 19,450 points on Friday, falling 450 points or 2.26% in the whole week, and rising for two consecutive weeks before the end.

At the beginning of last week, the market waited for the Federal Reserve to announce the results of its last interest rate hike this year. Similarly, the Bank of England and the European Central Bank will announce the interest rate hike arrangement on the same day.

European stock market investors have a strong wait-and-see atmosphere, and with the optimization of epidemic prevention policies in China, Beijing's infection cases are on the rise, becoming an unstable factor, and the most

In the end, a number of central banks raised interest rates by 50 points simultaneously, among which European Central Bank President Lagarde made a comment after the meeting, stressing that it would be further increased at a steady and significant pace.

Interest rate. And said that if compared with the Federal Reserve, they have more work to do, indicating that they are in a long-term competition and will never slow down. Pressure to raise interest rate

There was a panic in the market. The three major European stock markets fell across the board last week, and the German DAX index fell by 3.28%; Paris CAC index fell by 3.09%, while Britain's FTSE 100.

The index fell by 0.93%.

U.S. stocks rose first and then fell last week. On Monday, the new york stock market experienced four consecutive violent interest rate hikes of 75 points due to the company's buying activities, and the latest residents

Consumer price index (CPI), November data increased by 0.1% month-on-month, which recorded the most moderate growth this year, indicating that the inflation growth momentum in the United States is slowing down and the market is uncertain.

Jing the Fed will not raise interest rates excessively to accelerate the economic recession. Sure enough, in the early morning of last Thursday, after the Fed announced a 0.5% interest rate increase, the chairman of the US Federal Reserve Board

And Powell, vice chairman, Williams, said that the final peak interest rate of the Federal Reserve still has a chance to be adjusted upwards, and the three major Wall Street stock indexes will go down immediately.

Fall. In a week, the Dow Jones index fell by 1.66%; The S&P 500 index fell by 2.05%; The Nasdaq Composite Index fell 2.84%.

The Federal Reserve announced a rate increase of 0.5% at 3 am yesterday morning, while the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and the Swiss National Bank announced interest rate increases respectively. The rise of interest rate demons has been a knock for the market.

The death knell, the global stock market plunged, the US dollar was once again welcomed by investors, and the performance of US labor data was better than market expectations, which supported a longer cycle of US interest rate hike.

The policy broke the market's expectation that the Federal Reserve would cut interest rates early. The US dollar index rebounded from 103 points and approached 105 points. The gold market was also sensitive, and the price of gold was high.

The highest weekly price is $1,824.5, the lowest is $1,773.8, and the market closes at $1,793.2 on Friday, with a slight drop of $4.3 in one week.

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