
recent advance


The U.S. stock market has performed well and has risen for three consecutive trading days. The Dow Jones Index and the Standard & Poor's 500 Index rose by 222 points and 26 points respectively, both of which rose by about 0.8%, while the Nasdaq Index hit a new high in the market.

Up 132 points, or 1.2%. In the early period, Apple once rose more than 3%, reaching a high of $515.14, which was the first time in history to break through the $500 mark.

Apple's share price has been rising from the low point in March, which has doubled about. It is also the first listed company with a share value of more than 2 trillion US dollars! A rising tide lifts all boats, and some media take the home of Apple CEO Cook as an estimate.

The value of the company's additional shares alone has exceeded $1 billion. Is a real working emperor!

There are new developments in the treatment of new pneumonia in the United States. The Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of plasma from recovered patients for the treatment of new pneumonia virus. On the other hand,

The US government is also considering speeding up the examination and approval of the vaccine jointly developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University, and expects to use it before the November election. The above news about controlling the new virus is beneficial to restart the US economy and stimulate the US stock market to do well.

The cumulative number of infected people in novel coronavirus is close to 23.74 million, and the number of confirmed deaths has increased by more than 810,000. Although about 35,000 people were diagnosed with new pneumonia in the United States yesterday, the cumulative number of infection cases exceeded 5.9 million.

It is still the country with the largest number of infected cases in the world, but there are obvious signs of decline in the trend, reflecting the government's effectiveness in controlling the disease.

The US dollar rose last night, and the cases infected with new pneumonia in the United States showed a downward trend. In addition, the US government approved plasma therapy and accelerated the approval of new vaccines, which attracted venture investors to enter the US stock market and pushed up the US dollar index to 93.3.

The price of gold fluctuated yesterday, with a volatility of US$ 35, and rose to yesterday's high of US$ 1,959 per ounce before the US market opened. However, due to the impact of the rising US stock market and the strengthening of the US dollar, the price of gold was rapidly pushed back to the US market of 1,924 per ounce.

It finally closed at $1929 per ounce.

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