
Pay attention to the dollar trend


The problem in the border area between China and India worsened again. During the confrontation, a shot was fired. It was reported that the soldiers of the two countries clashed while patrolling the border. Afterwards, both sides accused each other of firing first.

The Indian side has indicated that it is ready to respond with military force before, but yesterday, the Chinese side even spoke harshly. If the Indian army provokes again, the Indian side should have the consciousness of mass annihilation! The US Department of Defense also made an appeal yesterday.

It is hoped that both sides will exercise restraint, seek to solve problems through dialogue and be willing to act as mediators. Taiwan President Tsai Ing-Wen yesterday called for the establishment of a democratic alliance to resist aggression, although Tsai Ing-Wen did not specify which country it was.

However, it clearly implies that China's recent military activities in the South China Sea threaten the security of Taiwan and even Asia. As a matter of fact, after China's economic rise, it constantly exerted pressure on Taiwan in order to unify China.

Require Taiwan to recognize its ancestors and accept its sovereignty over Taiwan as soon as possible; For example, in many world organizations, Taiwan has been shut out because of China's one-China principle. This time Tsai Ing-Wen took the initiative to invite foreign democratic countries.

To counter China's military threat, it is estimated that the United States, which sells weapons to Taiwan, will take the lead in advance.

In the military conflict, the United States has shown the influence of the world's first brother, and has not forgotten to continue to exert pressure on China economically. After US President Trump once again made a speech on decoupling from China's economy during the Labor Day holiday in the United States,

It also intimidates American enterprises not to do business with China, otherwise these enterprises are not eligible to obtain contracts from the US federal government. Yesterday, the United States banned the import of cotton and tomatoes from Xinqiang because China forced Xinqiang Muslims to participate in labor.

Yesterday, after the Labor Day holiday, the resumption of the market failed to reverse the decline, and finally the US stocks fell for three consecutive trading days. Dow Jones index fell 632 points, closing at 27500 points, or more than 2.3%. Nasdaq index fell more than 4%, closing at 10,847 points.

A sharp drop of 465 points. Among them, Tesla failed to join the S&P 500 constituent stocks as expected by the market, and its share price plunged by 21%, the biggest one-day drop in history, and became the accomplice of the Nasdaq index underperforming the market.

Geopolitical relations are tense, and there is no breakthrough in the new round of fiscal stimulus negotiations in the United States, which stimulates the rise of the US dollar index. The gold price fell in the early period due to the rise of the US dollar, reaching a minimum of 1908 US dollars per ounce, but the trend of US stocks is weak.

Investors adjusted their risk appetite, and the gold price rebounded rapidly, reaching a peak of $1,941 per ounce, and finally closed at $1,932 per ounce, up by $4.

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