
One thing dies at the preparatory stage.


The problem in the Sino-Indian border area is temporarily relieved; The situation was tense after the soldiers of the two countries clashed at the border earlier and "fired warning shots". Yesterday, the two countries held ministerial-level bilateral talks and reached a five-point consensus to maintain border peace.

Including the military and soldiers of both sides should follow the consensus of the leaders of the two countries, focus on the premise that the dispute between the two countries will not heat up, and determine that the current situation in the border areas is not conducive to the interests of both countries; The border guards of the two countries should maintain dialogue,

Keep the necessary distance, disengage as soon as possible and ease the conflict as soon as possible. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told ASEAN countries on Wednesday that the United States is interfering in the South China Sea situation in ASEAN and carrying out military expansion in the sea area.

Accusing the United States of being the most unstable factor threatening the security of the South China Sea. On Thursday, US Secretary of State Pompeo made a long-distance speech to the foreign ministers of ASEAN countries, saying that Southeast Asian countries should have confidence in the United States and jointly resist China's bullying in the East and South Seas.

Pompeo also hopes that ASEAN countries will reassess their business with Chinese enterprises, which aggravates the tension between China and the United States.

The cumulative number of infected people in novel coronavirus is close to 28.24 million, and the number of confirmed deaths exceeds 910,000. In the United States, about 30,500 people were diagnosed with new pneumonia yesterday, and the cumulative number of infected cases exceeded 6.58 million, continuing to be the country with the largest number of infected cases in the world.

The second round of US epidemic relief plan originally announced in August was deadlocked. In the US Senate yesterday, members voted on the new plan put forward by Senate Majority Leader McConnell, although the new plan won the support of most members.

However, the bill was finally rejected because it failed to meet the statutory requirement of 60 votes. Some economists said that apart from the reasons of political disputes, the exuberance of the US stock market may paralyze some senators' minds and fail to see the emergency.

The later the bail-out measures are introduced, the finer the effect will be. When more small and medium-sized enterprises can't survive, the government may fall into a bigger financial crisis, and then there is no way to save them.

The US economic data released last night is supporting the phenomenon that the US economy runs counter to the stock market. Last week, the US crude oil inventories increased by 2.03 million barrels, and the market expected to decrease by 1.34 million barrels. The number of people applying for unemployment benefits for the first time last week was 884,000, which was also more than the expected 846,000.

It shows that the employment situation has improved but the progress is slow, and the demand for crude oil from the public also reflects the stagnant economy. The European Central Bank said that the growth of the euro economic zone was as expected, and it had no intention of regulating the recent strength of the euro. The US dollar index then weakened.

The price of gold once rose to 1967 US dollars per ounce yesterday, but the U.S. epidemic rescue plan died, which made the price of gold return to the lowest level of 1942 US dollars per ounce, and closed at 1946 US dollars per ounce, down one dollar.

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