
Very cold, the guests are rare


Today's volatility range:

Gold continues to be under pressure, but with the implementation of quantitative easing by central banks around the world and the sustained low interest rate, after the vaccine news is digested, investors will eventually return to the gold market to fight inflation and currency depreciation with gold.

Long-term investment is still worth it. Pre-rebound today, and the volatility narrowed, with the main volatility ranging from USD 1774 to USD 1785.

Very cold, the guests are rare

The Brexit issue, which had not been settled for a long time, entered the countdown stage. Since Banier, the chief negotiator of the European Union, arrived in London on October 22 to restart the negotiations, it was mentioned in the memorandum signed at that time that "unless a final comprehensive agreement is reached, nothing agreed in the negotiation process will count. 」

Some politicians from the European Union and Britain said that at this stage, most of the terms of trade have been agreed, but there are barriers in fisheries. Because Britain wants to levy 85% tax on the EU's catches entering British waters, EU representatives disagree with the tax rate.

Accusing Britain of creating unfair competition and pointing out that the EU will not do whatever it takes to get Brexit under the agreement of Britain, while British Foreign Secretary Rab suggested that the EU should realize that regaining control of British waters is a sovereignty issue for Britain. The two sides shift the responsibility of making concessions to each other,

Whether there is a result in the remaining week to avoid hard Brexit depends on whose means are higher. With the problem of Brexit, the major European stock markets fell across the board yesterday, and the German DAX index fell 0.3%; The French CAC index fell 1.4%; Britain's FTSE 100 Index rose and fell 1.6%.

After Thanksgiving, the retail data in the United States were released one after another. Last week, "Black Friday" was a traditional retail boom, but it was obvious that the epidemic severely hit the sales of physical stores, but the epidemic severely hit the sales performance of physical stores. Although traditional department stores were not popular,

However, the days of long queues are no longer seen again. On the contrary, online shopping achieved great success again on Monday. Some experts estimated that sales would break records and surpass 10 billion US dollars for the first time, with a budget of 10.8 billion US dollars to 12.7 billion US dollars.

The new york stock market fell across the board on the last trading day of November yesterday, led by aviation, cruise ships and retail industry, and the Dow Jones index fell 0.91%; The Standard & Poor's 500 Index fell 0.46%; Nasdaq index fell 0.06%.

Federal Reserve Chairman Powell disclosed in his preparatory speech to the Senate Finance Committee yesterday that the slow recovery of the United States and the rebound of the new pneumonia epidemic mean that the United States will be challenging in the coming months. Powell strongly encouraged the two parties to adopt a new round of epidemic assistance programs,

Help nationals and small businesses; It also proposes to extend the loan plan of the Federal Reserve due on December 31 for another quarter to increase market liquidity. The US dollar index rebounded slightly yesterday.

With the news of vaccines coming out one after another, the election results became clear gradually, and gold, which is regarded as a traditional safe-haven investment tool, continued to be under pressure. The price of gold fell another $10 to close at $1,777 per ounce yesterday.

At worst, it fell to $1,764, the market price of long-term technical investors mentioned yesterday, which means it rebounded rapidly. Although gold was temporarily suppressed by the news of vaccine, after the news of vaccine was digested, in the environment of quantitative easing and sustained low interest rates by central banks all over the world,

Investors will eventually return to the gold market to fight inflation and currency depreciation with gold, which is still worth investing in the long term. The non-agricultural data released by the United States on Friday in November has attracted much attention. The market estimates that there will be 500,000 new non-agricultural jobs.

It is lower than the 638,000 in October. If the employment data in the United States is really poor, it will be another support for the gold market. Bitcoin fell to about $16,200 per piece last week, and rebounded after falling 9% last week. Yesterday, the highest price was close to $19,860 per piece.

It closed at about 19,450 per piece, rising by 7%, and the target of 20,000 yuan can be expected.

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