
Compared with the same things, it is insufficient.


February 18 th

Today's volatility range:

Gold prices have fallen for five consecutive days, and the US dollar exchange rate and the yield of US Treasury bonds have risen, further suppressing the performance of gold prices.

Another puzzling phenomenon of gold prices is the super performance of Bitcoin, which rose above 52,000 US dollars per piece last night, which dwarfs the gold that also does not pay dividends.

The weakness of gold is still there, and it may repeatedly try the low of 1764 in November last year. Today's proposed volatility is between $1768 and $1785.

The Hong Kong government has innovated again. As a developed economy in the world, it must not lag behind other advanced countries. In order to take the lead in the vaccination plan, it decided to introduce domestic Kexing vaccine to become the first COVID-19 vaccine in Hong Kong.

Although the third phase clinical data of the vaccine has not been published, it has been recommended by the Advisory Committee of Vaccine Experts in COVID-19, and it really feels that the patriotic forces are far away.

United Nations Secretary-General Guterres called for ensuring that all regions and people can be vaccinated as soon as possible. He pointed out that there is a serious imbalance and unfairness in vaccination at present.

Ten countries account for 75% of the total vaccination in the world, while more than 130 countries in the world still have no vaccination plans.

Guterres stressed that fair distribution of vaccines is the most severe moral test for mankind at present, and warned that once SARS-CoV-2 continues to wreak havoc in underdeveloped areas, the virus will constantly mutate, and there will be a chance that the current vaccines will fail, and then developed areas will be hit again and the global economic recovery will be delayed.

It is a common phenomenon in society at present that developed countries should take on more to cope with global problems, but they have the most available resources, so they are glad to hear that the United States will pay more than $200 million to the World Health Organization before the end of the month, which is the amount that the United States promised to provide to the World Health Organization earlier, but refused to pay for threatening to withdraw from the World Health Organization during Trump's tenure.

Affected by the decline in profits caused by the epidemic in many large European banks last year, the three major European stock markets fell across the board, and the German DAX index fell 1.16%; French CAC fell 0.36%; Britain's FTSE 100 index fell 0.55%.

The Federal Reserve announced the minutes of the meeting on interest rates at the end of last month.

The records show that the current economic situation of the United States is still far from reaching the long-term goal, and it will maintain a loose monetary policy until the goal is achieved.

Without the signal of "receiving water", traditional enterprises continued to be sought after, and the three major indexes of new york stock market developed individually.

The Dow Jones index rose for three consecutive days and reached a new high, up 0.29%; The quasi-Poole index fell by 0.03%; Nasdaq index fell 0.58%.

The price of gold fell again yesterday, and the slowdown of the epidemic reduced the attractiveness of gold in hedging.

Last night, the US retail sales in January rose by 5.3% month by month, which greatly exceeded market expectations, supported the rise of the US dollar, and the US dollar index strengthened.

Yesterday, it rose back to 91 points. The yield of US 10-year government bonds rose to 1.331%, a new high in one year, further suppressing the performance of gold prices. The lowest price of gold fell to $1,770 per ounce yesterday and the highest price reached $1,795 per ounce

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