
Whether old or new, "no matter what"


March 15 th

Today's volatility range:

The price of gold fluctuated last week, which was obviously influenced by the yield of US 10-year treasury bonds. However, we should pay attention to the drop in the price of US treasury bonds last Friday, and the yield of US 10-year treasury bonds exceeded 1.62%.

However, the price of gold has repeatedly tried $1,700 without breaking, and the trend seems to have gradually strengthened. At present, gold may still fluctuate in the range, trying to reach $1,740.

Today's proposed volatility is between $1720 and $1740.

The COVID-19 epidemic in Hong Kong reversed again. As of Sunday evening, there were 24 new cases in Hong Kong, of which 10 were unknown cases, and 109 people were infected in the fitness group.

Hang Seng Index opened last Friday and rose higher on Thursday. However, as soon as the interest rate of the epidemic was cleared, investors feared that the epidemic would turn into The 5th Wave, regardless of the old and new economic sectors, they would still sell goods.

The Hang Seng Index finally fell below the 29,000 mark, closing down 2.4%, turning the whole week's increase into pollution in one day. Contrary to the situation in Hong Kong, the epidemic situation in Europe seems to be slowing down.

The EU is considering introducing vaccination certificates to allow vaccinated people to have greater freedom of movement in EU countries, thereby saving tourism.

On Thursday, the European Central Bank announced that it would keep the central bank interest rate unchanged. After that, European Central Bank President Lagarde made a speech on the prospects of monetary policy. She said that although the European epidemic showed signs of easing,

However, it called on EU countries not to stop the epidemic assistance too early to stimulate the economy, and reiterated that the European Central Bank will help ensure that enterprises and families get the necessary funds.

At the same time, there is no need to worry about premature tightening of financing conditions. The three major indexes of European stock markets went up last week, the German stock market reached a new high, and the German DAX index rose by 3.4%;

French CAC index rose 2.21%, while British FTSE 100 index rose 1.97%.

Last week, the data released by the United States was rather uneven, and the number of people applying for unemployment benefits for the first time in the United States decreased to 712,000 last week, indicating that the US labor market has passed the worst time.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen told the media that the $1.9 trillion epidemic relief plan would help the U.S. economy recover, and did not think that the plan would lead to high inflation.

He also said that he was confident that Biden administration could push the American labor market back on track next year at the latest. The three major indexes of the new york stock market rose, and the Dow and the Standard Index broke the top in one week.

Dow Jones index rose 4.1%; Standard & Poor's Index rose 2.7%; However, technology stocks were soft, with Nasdaq index falling 3.2%. Gold price fluctuated last week, and it opened on Monday under the pretext that Saudi Arabia was attacked.

However, the price of gold is obviously influenced by the yield of US ten-year treasury bonds. The yield of US treasury bonds rose to 1.6% before the epidemic last Monday, and the price of gold fell to a low of 1676 US dollars per ounce in April last year.

After that, the US House of Representatives passed the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 epidemic rescue plan, and the yield dropped to 1.5%. The gold price failed to hit $1,740 per ounce, but with the fall of US Treasury bond prices,

On Friday, the price of gold repeatedly tried $1,700 per ounce without breaking, and finally closed at $1,727 per ounce, rising by $26 a week.

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