Financial encyclopedia

Inflation is fiercer than tiger.



Do you know how serious global inflation is?

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell testified on monetary policy in the House of Representatives.

Much talk is sure to suppress inflation both determined

The us inflation environment is at its worst in 40 years

Forty years ago,

Volcker, then chairman of the Federal Reserve,

There was a crazy rate hike to 20 per cent

Remember that the average annual return of warren Buffett ? is about 30%,

But the market rate was already 20 per cent.

Nowadays a lot of fund managers do not reach ?

Global supply chain disruption and two consecutive years ? drain,

Both ?? Japan,

And the leader in planned economy ?? China,

Inflation is above 2%,

The Federal Reserve's target inflation level.

Too much inflation can lead to social instability and a collapse of the monetary system

Today's grain found that purchasing power is shrinking

Can't even keep up with the rigid demand for necessities,

It makes it easier for unions to fight capitalists

There are even countries that have devalued too quickly because of their catchments,

Enterprises use grain as grain

Citizens completely abandoned the money exchange system.

As a political task,

Believe that whether the Fed raises rates or verbally intervenes,

They don't stop so fast

Learn more every day,

Retail investors become experts

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