Financial encyclopedia

Former Federal Reserve chairman wins Nobel Economics Prize


The annual Nobel Prize in economics has been shared this year by three scholars, one of whom is well known as former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

Bernanke, who graduated from Harvard Economics, completed his doctorate at MIT, and taught at Princeton for 17 years, is a well-trained economist. In 2002,

George Bush, then president of the United States, was appointed to the board of governors of the Federal Reserve. He succeeded Alan Greenspan and successfully led the United States in the wake of the financial tsunami

China weathered the financial crisis and appeared on the cover of Time magazine as the father of QE.

Bernanke, a fan of the Great Depression, was honored for highlighting the role of banks in the financial crisis during the Great Recession. In traditional economics, banks fail

the closure is the result of the recession, but the three winners said the role of banks is very important and central banks are the last resort in the economy. So at 08 gold

When the meltdown tsunami, he made the first QE rescue market, to resolve the crisis. But Bernanke led the U.S. out of recession, but he was also controversial, and the U.S. has been on QE ever since

Lk. In a recession, central banks print more silver paper, which in effect exports the recession abroad. The more foreign countries hold more debt, the deeper the mess becomes, so the international market starts to sell too

Now dedollarize, reduce dollar reserves reduce credit risk.

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