
The stock market soared


February 15 th

Today's volatility range:

The weak performance of gold price, the slowdown of the epidemic caused the stock market to rise greatly, and the attractiveness of gold decreased slightly. In addition, the US dollar index has stopped falling and rebounded recently, which has put pressure on gold price to a certain extent. However, gold is always one of the investment tools against inflation. Under the environment of low interest rate and unlimited breadth, it will still rise, and it should still show its performance before the United States collects water. It is expected that the price of gold will consolidate between 1800 and 1840, and then make a breakthrough. Today, the suggested volatility is between 1816 and 1831 US dollars.

With the arrival of the Year of the Ox, the epidemic situation in COVID-19 seems to have improved. There were only 12 newly confirmed cases in Hong Kong yesterday, and the trend was obviously downward. In addition, it is rumored that the Hong Kong government can launch a vaccination program against COVID-19 in early March, and the epidemic situation is believed to be further controlled.

The global COVID-19 epidemic also showed signs of slowing down. The newly confirmed cases in the United States dropped to about 84,000 on Saturday, while the average number of people in the seven days as of Friday was about 97,000, which was the lowest weekly average since October. German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke last week, saying that Germany has achieved the goal of reversing the trend of virus infection and will help try to improve the production capacity of vaccine manufacturers. British Prime Minister Johnson announced that he had vaccinated all the first four priority categories, including the elderly, nursing home staff, medical staff and the most vulnerable people, and achieved the first set goal. On February 22nd, he will announce the "road map" to lift the blockade gradually in the next few months.

Haldane, chief economic adviser of the Bank of England, said that once the blockade is lifted, there will be a consumption boom, and one year later, the annual growth of the British economy may reach double digits. Guindos, deputy governor of the European Central Bank, also sent a positive message last week, predicting that although the performance in the first half of this year will be less than expected, the euro zone economy will rebound significantly in the second half of this year, and the economic growth in 2022 will be raised to 3.8%, which was previously expected to rise by 3%.

Haldane, chief economic adviser of the Bank of England, said that once the blockade is lifted, there will be a consumption boom, and one year later, the annual growth of the British economy may reach double digits. Guindos, deputy governor of the European Central Bank, also sent a positive message last week, predicting that although the performance in the first half of this year will be less than expected, the euro zone economy will rebound significantly in the second half of this year, and the economic growth in 2022 will be raised to 3.8%, which was previously expected to rise by 3%.

Last week, the performance of European and American stock markets also reflected that the epidemic was improving. The European stock market fell by 0.05% last week except the German DAX index; The other major stock markets rose, and the French CAC index rose by 0.78%; The FTSE 100 Index rose 1.55%. The new york stock market is improving across the board and has repeatedly broken record highs. The Dow Jones index rose by 1%; The Standard & Poor's Index rose by 1.25%; Nasdaq index rose 1.5%.

Gold price was repeated yesterday and last week. At the beginning of this week, Yellen expressed great support for Biden's $1.9 trillion economic stimulus plan. Gold price rebounded to a high of $1,855 per ounce. However, with the rising yield of US Treasury bonds and the strengthening of the US dollar, it put pressure on gold price. Gold price once tried $1,810 per ounce, and finally closed at $1,824 per ounce, which rose by $10 for the whole week.

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