
The global fight against the epidemic


February 16 th

Today's volatility range:

The price of gold was soft again and again yesterday. The slowdown of the epidemic caused the stock market to rise sharply, and the attractiveness of gold was slightly reduced. However, due to the obvious turn of the pound and the euro, the rise of the US dollar was suppressed, which caused support for the gold price and narrowed the volatility of the gold price.

However, the gold price is still weak. It is expected that the gold price will still be consolidated between 1800 and 1840. It is necessary to keep the 1800 mark before making a breakthrough. Today, the suggested volatility of yesterday is retained, that is, between 1816 and 1831 US dollars.

The Federal Reserve Board of Australia issued the minutes of the meeting this morning, saying that it will maintain strong monetary policy support measures. It shows that the cash interest rate will not be raised until inflation is maintained in the target range of 2-3%, that is, the interest rate will remain unchanged at 1%.

However, the global epidemic situation of new coronavirus continued to ease, and nearly 60,000 new people were infected with new coronavirus in the United States, which was significantly lower than the average daily increase of more than 300,000 cases in January.

However, vaccination progress was hindered due to shortage of vaccines in some States. On the contrary, more than 15 million people in Britain, or about 22% of the population, have received the first dose of vaccine.

British Prime Minister Johnson described it as an important milestone. There were less than 10,000 new cases of infection in Britain yesterday, and Johnson plans to announce the timetable for relaxing anti-epidemic measures next week, hoping that this will be the last epidemic blockade.

WHO urgently authorized the use of the new coronavirus vaccine jointly developed by AstraZeneca, a British pharmaceutical company, and Oxford University, thus contributing to the overall global anti-epidemic efforts.

The epidemic continues to improve, investors are looking forward to the economic restart, and the international oil price has reached a high level since January last year.

London Brent oil rose by 1.4% in April, and new york oil also rose by about 1%, and rose to 60 US dollars per barrel. It is the first time in 13 months that the 6-prefix reappeared. Driven by oil prices, resource stocks rose significantly, driving the overall stock market performance.

Yesterday, European stock markets rose, three major European stocks rose across the board, and German DAX index rose by 0.42 French CAC index rose by 1.45%; Benefiting from the vaccination program meeting the standard and relaxing the anti-epidemic measures, the UK FTSE 100 Index rose by 2.52%

New york stock market was closed on US President's Day yesterday.

The price of gold was soft again and again yesterday, and the epidemic slowed down, which made the stock market soar, while the attractiveness of gold decreased slightly.

Gold reached the highest level of $1,827 per ounce and the lowest level of $1,816 per ounce yesterday, and finally closed at $1,818 per ounce, down $6, the third consecutive day of decline.

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