
Do not avoid suspicion


April 26 th
Today's volatility range:

European and American economic data have performed well, the dollar has strengthened and the debt yield has risen again, suppressing the performance of gold prices, and the epidemic situation in India has continued to deteriorate, while India and China traditionally use gold ornaments

In the two largest consumer countries, the gold market is even weaker. It is expected that the volatility will narrow under the long and short competition today, and the short position will dominate. Today, the proposed amplitude is between 1768 and 1783.

A new variant of COVID-19 virus was found to have flowed into the community in Hong Kong for the first time. The Centre for Health Protection announced on Saturday that an Indian man arrived in Hong Kong from Dubai on the 19th of last month. After 21 days of isolation at the quarantine hotel,

However, Covid-19 was diagnosed only after 8 days, and the new variant virus strain N501Y was detected before leaving Hong Kong. According to the data of the Centre for Health Protection, the virus load of this Indian patient was extremely high.

That is, highly contagious. Hong Kong's foreign virus prevention and control system has failed again.
Covid-19 has been deteriorating continuously in India, and more than 300,000 new cases have been reported in a single day for the fourth consecutive day, and many patients are infected with new variant viruses. And the Indian government estimates that,

The epidemic situation in the whole country may not peak until mid-May. Under the globalization, it is difficult for the international community to take care of itself. In the spirit of humanity, many western countries, including Britain,

China, EU and US plan to provide assistance to India.

Geopolitics is becoming more tense. In addition to western countries' joint efforts to combat the pandemic of new varieties of viruses, the situation of resisting China has also become a global concern. As we all know, recovering Taiwan Province is Beijing's long-standing goal.

However, whether it will involve force, many netizens in China expressed their support, which caused great international concern in the near future; President Xi Jinping attended the launching ceremony of three military ships on Hainan Island earlier.

Attending such a high-profile event without avoiding suspicion at a sensitive time will inevitably lead people to believe that it is a demonstration of military strength. Australian Defense Minister Dutton said that although China is an important trading partner of Australia,

In case of conflict arising from the Taiwan Province issue, the Australian military is always ready to deal with any threat to the country and even its allies and maintain regional stability. And Japan began to discuss once China and the United States

There is a military conflict on the Taiwan Province issue, and according to Japanese defense regulations, once the US troops stationed in Japan are threatened, the Self-Defense Forces can provide logistical support to the US troops and their allies.

Last week, the gold market fluctuated quite a bit. Following the upward trend of the previous week, and the geopolitical tension that the yield of 10-year US bonds fell below 1.6%, the price of gold was once close to 1,800 US dollars.

However, the economic data of Europe and the United States all performed well. The dollar strengthened and the bond yield rose again. The gold price rose to $1,798 twice and failed to return. There was a cross star in the 4-hour chart trend on Thursday.

After that, it gradually declined. On Friday, the lowest price dropped to US$ 1,770 and rebounded to US$ 1,777, with a daily loss of US$ 7 and a slight increase of US$ 1 on a weekly basis.

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