
Inflation is fiercer than tiger


May 13 th
Today's volatility range:

The situation in Israel and Palestine is expected to slow down. The inflation pressure in the United States in April far exceeded market expectations, the US dollar index bounced sharply, and the US Treasury Department responded enthusiastically to the auction of 10-year treasury bonds last night, which stimulated the yield of US debt to rise above 1.7%.

The gold price ended its rising trend, and even fell below the support position of $1818. The next stage will test whether the support of $1800 is strong or not. Today's proposed amplitude is between 1802 and 1824.
The epidemic situation in Hong Kong has shown some signs of easing. The Education Bureau announced that all primary and secondary schools, kindergartens and tutorial schools in Hong Kong can resume the half-day teaching arrangement from the 24th of this month. However, before all schools in Hong Kong reopen,

Some DSS schools are eager to apply to the Education Bureau for fare increase. The Education Bureau said yesterday that as of last Friday, it had received 27 applications for tuition adjustment from DSS schools. According to the Education Bureau,

Direct subsidy schools that will adjust their tuition fees in the new school year should consult their parents on the increase, including explaining the reasons for the increase and responding to their opinions and concerns about the increase. But in general,

Unless the rate of increase is too outrageous, most of the DSS schools are traditional famous schools, which will be supported by parents who like famous schools, and the Education Bureau has no right to interfere with the increase in tuition fees of these DSS schools.

Although the public can't read the real reasons for the increase in tuition fees of various DSS schools, it is estimated that it can't be separated from the general reasons, such as the difficulties in operating under the epidemic situation, the decrease in the number of students due to immigration and the rising operating costs. however

Under the pressure of the epidemic, the price index of Hong Kong increased by 0.5% in April last time, and the inflation rate is expected to be 2% in the same period next year. Because of the high unemployment rate in Hong Kong,

However, housing expenditure, which accounts for the largest proportion of people's expenditure, still hangs high, and many people already feel that prices are difficult to top now. If the economy still fails to improve next year, then the public will definitely add to the burden, not only being harsh on the government,

Even inflation is fiercer than tiger! Hang Seng Index rebounded yesterday, rising 0.78% to close.

The situation between Israel and Palestine escalated, and the war situation became even more out of control. The United States sent Assistant Secretary of State blinken to mediate. He telephoned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and urged all parties to stop the violence and cool down the tense situation.

On the other hand, Russia, another military power, also urged the two sides to cease fire, and wanted to promote four-party talks to replace force by dialogue. Under the surveillance of the two major military powers, the situation in the Middle East has the opportunity to achieve further peace.

Europe's economic recovery is just around the corner, the market is eager for energy to exceed supply, and energy stocks have driven the overall market. The three major indexes of European stock markets have risen across the board, and the DAX index of Frankfurt, Germany has risen by 0.21%; CAC in Paris, France rose by 0.19%;

The FTSE 100 Index rose 0.78%.

In April, the inflation pressure in the United States far exceeded market expectations. The market expected the consumer price index of the United States to expand by 3.6% last month, which was already the highest level since September 2013. However, it was unexpected that more shocking data was released yesterday, with an increase of 4.2%.

In addition to the pressure of tax increase due to the large investment in the Biden administration's new infrastructure plan, the operators have publicly expressed their panic about the soaring costs. Naturally, they will also transfer the increased costs to consumers.

Further raise consumer prices. Investors expect the rising operating costs of enterprises to hit corporate profits, and the three major indexes of new york stock market fell across the board. The Dow Jones index fell 1.99%, and the Standard & Poor's 500 Index fell 2.12%.

Nasdaq index fell 2.67%. The gold price ended its rising trend, and the situation in Israel and Palestine is expected to slow down. In April, the inflation pressure in the United States far exceeded market expectations, and the US dollar index bounced sharply, reaching the highest level of 90.8.

In addition, the U.S. Treasury Department auctioned $41 billion of 10-year treasury bonds last night, which responded enthusiastically. The winning interest rate reached 1.684%, and the bid multiple was 2.45 times higher than that of last month, which stimulated the yield of 10-year U.S. debt to rise above 1.7%.

The price of gold dropped significantly, reaching a high of $1,844 and a low of $1,813 yesterday, and finally closed at $1,816, down $21.

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