

Today's amplitude range Rising global inflation dragged down the violent selling of technology stocks, coupled with unsatisfactory corporate financial reports and a sharp drop in oil prices. The mark
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Continue to raise interest rates

May 18th Today's volatility range: Russia softened Finland's attitude of joining NATO, saying that as long as NATO does not plant weapons in Finland, Russia will not do anything. Geopolitical tensio
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potential threat

May 17th Today's volatility range: Finland and Sweden respectively announced that they would apply to join NATO, while Russia warned that it would retaliate. Affected by the geopolitical development
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May 16th Today's volatility range: The market is betting that the Fed will increase interest rates, and the market is flocking to the US dollar, which is not conducive to the recent performance of t
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People step in

May 13th Today's volatility range: Bitcoin is picking up, while the gold market is the opposite; On the other hand, the inflation data of the United States is still strong. Investors bet on the Fed'
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Market investment sentiment

May 12th Today's volatility range: The sharp rise in international crude oil and natural gas prices, coupled with the fact that Bitcoin once fell below the $28,000 mark, stimulated investors' intere
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Eagles fight each other.

May 11th Today's volatility range: The fall in international crude oil prices has weakened the upward trend of inflation. Although the proposal of Fed officials to raise interest rates by 50 points
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It's doomed

May 10th Today's volatility range: Due to the re-outbreak of COVID-19 in China, the wars in Eastern Europe are endless, inflation is worsening globally, and the pressure to raise interest rates is g
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Putin's choice

May 9th Today's volatility range: The crisis still exists in Eastern Europe. Although the situation seems to be gradually tilting towards the western countries, Putin's choice on the "Great Victory
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On May 6 Today's range: Gold rose and then fell, rising nearly $1,910, on expectations that the Federal Reserve would struggle to keep its official interest rate at its stated neutral rate by the en
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Add and subtract.

May 5th Today's volatility range: Just as the market expects the United States to raise interest rates by 0.25% this month, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell made a speech after the results of the int
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5月4日   今日波幅區間: 澳洲聯儲銀行為應對通脹,宣布在疫情大流行之後首次加息25點子, 而市場預料英倫銀行在星期四將會作第四度加息,一度令美元指數下調,金價昨日反彈。 正逐步消化美聯儲將更積極收緊貨幣政策的預期。預料金價短期仍要再測試1850美元的支持。 今日繼續維持昨日建議波幅,即1850美元至1872美元。   對號入座   港股五一勞動假後復市,表現先跌後升。受累
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5月3日 今日波幅區間: 歐洲央行的貨幣政策將滯後於美國,為美元短期走勢提供一個利好消息, 美元指數昨日再次觸及本年度高位的103.7點,加強美聯儲在議息結果公布在即,市場相信聯儲局在明天會宣布提息0.5%, 而預期六月加息0.75%的機率亦從上次調查的八成調高至九成。 在美元保持強勢及息口預期上升之下,金市跌穿俄烏開戰以來低位。 相信市場正在消化美聯儲加息的預期,金市可能仍要進一步
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May 2nd Today's volatility range: Western countries' economic war against Russia will further push up energy prices and increase the attractiveness of gold. The U.S. economy is reversing its best p
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Economic atrophy

April 29th Today's volatility range: The recession of the U.S. economy has provided room for the bulls in the gold market to rise, while the market is still concerned about the attitude of the Feder
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Contract spirit

April 28th Today's volatility range: The market is concerned about the news that Russia has stopped supplying natural gas to Poland and Bulgaria. The news makes the euro lower, and the Federal Reser
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Be unsatisfactory.

April 27th Today's volatility range: The signal of global economic deterioration is getting stronger and stronger, and the decline of European and American stock markets has increased the attractive
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Clearing cost

April 26th Today's volatility range: The monetary policy of the European Central Bank will lag behind that of the United States, providing a good news for the short-term trend of the US dollar. Coup
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Seek the bottom

April 25th Today's volatility range: The war in Ukraine continues, threatening the global economy and raising the sentiment of safe-haven funds. However, the monetary policy of the European Central
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Lack of direction

April 22nd Today's volatility range: Federal Reserve Chairman Powell said that the United States may not be able to return to the economic model before the virus pandemic, saying that the Russian in
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