

September 8th Today's amplitude range The international oil price plunged by 5% yesterday, easing the tension of inflation in the United States. The market expects that the probability of the Federa
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Multi-air double kill

September 7th Today's amplitude range The gold market repeated yesterday, forming a double-kill! Yesterday, the gold price opened at a high of $1,727, but it was unsustainable. Although it withstood
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Hedge demand

September 6th Today's amplitude range Russia retaliated against the sanctions imposed by the Group of Seven and announced the permanent closure of one of the natural gas pipelines to Europe. The new
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Continue to be bearish

September 5th Today's amplitude range U.S. economic data is popular, and the U.S. dollar index has reached a new high, once approaching a high of 110 points. The market is worried that the Federal R
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try iron1680

September 2nd Today's amplitude range Yesterday, the U.S. economic data was popular, and the U.S. dollar index hit a new high, once approaching a high of 110 points. The market was worried that the
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Bo rebound

September 1st Today's amplitude range The exhausted employment data eased the market tension a little, but there was still concern that the Federal Reserve would raise interest rates more aggressive
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The decline has not changed

August 31st Today's amplitude range U.S. economic data was good yesterday. If the Fed's interest rate hike strategy is based on the principle of inflation data, it is obvious that yesterday's data i
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struggle between bulls and bears

August 30th Today's amplitude range U.S. economic data showed a strong performance on Thursday. U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Powell put an eagle in the annual meeting of the global central bank, an
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The decline has not changed

August 29th Today's amplitude range U.S. economic data showed a strong performance on Thursday. Powell, chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, put an eagle in the annual meeting of the global central
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Backward ambiguity

August 26th Today's amplitude range The gold market rose for three days in a row, but it was obviously restricted by the 50-day moving average of $1,768, closing close to the 20-day average of $1,75
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The development route is unknown

August 25th Today's amplitude range There is a strong wait-and-see atmosphere in the gold market, waiting for Federal Reserve Chairman Powell's comments on monetary policy and economic prospects at
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August 24th Today's amplitude range The organization data of the United States is weak, and the sales volume of new homes in the United States has broken the lowest sales volume since 2016, reflecti
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double blow

August 23rd Today's amplitude range Investors are worried about the energy crisis in Europe, with the euro falling below the 1-for-1 conversion price against the US dollar, the US dollar index entre
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Sustained pressure

August 22nd Today's amplitude range Recently, the economic data of the United States has performed better than expected, especially the growth of labor data, which the Federal Reserve does not want
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Lonely at the top

August 19th Today's amplitude range The performance of US economic data is better than expected, especially the growth of labor data, which the Federal Reserve does not want to see. Last month, the
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smell a rat

August 18th Today's amplitude range The Open Market Committee of the United States reported that although officials mentioned the opportunity to slow down the rate hike, they will still act accordin
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Key 50-balance moving average

August 17th Today's amplitude range The latest data on the number of new housing starts in the United States dropped to the lowest level in the past 18 months, reflecting the rising interest rates i
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Fork narrowing

August 16th Today's amplitude range Affected by the poor performance of China's economic data, investors are worried that Chinese consumers will reduce their purchases of gold ornaments. After the m
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Break 1800

August 15th Today's amplitude range The gold market rose for four weeks in a row and closed above $1,800. As the storm continues in the Taiwan Strait, does the Chinese People's Liberation Army "fake
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pin down

August 12th Today's amplitude range A number of data show that inflation in the United States seems to have peaked, but the market expects that the Fed is still not satisfied with the current inflat
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