
Apple tram

Today's volatility range: The virus is now mutated in Britain, and the capital flows to the US dollar to avoid risks. The rising trend of the US dollar index has been set at 90.5. The President-elect
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Variant "sudden attack"

Today's volatility range: The virus is now mutated in Britain, and the funds flow to the US dollar to avoid risks. The US dollar index bounced to the level of 91 points, causing panic. Unstable facto
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Inflationary pressure

Today's volatility range: The Brexit negotiations are now blocked, which increases the risk aversion. Last week, the US dollar hit a two-and-a-half-year low, which stimulated the gold price. The long
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Market dynamics

Today's volatility range: The Brexit negotiations were blocked, which increased the risk aversion. However, the US dollar was weak, investors chased gold, and the market hoped that the epidemic assis
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Bitcoin soared by 10%

Today's volatility range: The positive news from the Brexit negotiations, coupled with the fact that the Federal Reserve plans not to raise interest rates within three years, is not conducive to the
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Today's volatility range: There is positive news from the Brexit negotiations. The market reports that Congress will approve the second round of epidemic stimulus bill with a scale of 900 billion US
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Demolition of bombs

Today's volatility range: Looking forward to the application of vaccines to improve economic activities, coupled with the stable political situation and the declining demand for safe haven, the atmos
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Super Interest Rate Week

Today's volatility range: The second round of relief measures for the epidemic in the United States has been blocked, and the optimistic atmosphere of the market is expected to deteriorate. The gold
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Employment data

Today's volatility range: The second round of relief measures for the epidemic in the United States was blocked, and the optimism of the market was expected to deteriorate. The price of gold rose yes
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Face the reality

Today's volatility range: The second round of relief measures for the epidemic in the United States was blocked, and the optimism of the market deteriorated. In addition, the decline in US stocks cau
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Vaccine battle

Today's volatility range: The large-scale post-epidemic economic stimulus plan in the United States is expected to be launched, and the gold price will play its anti-inflation and anti-currency depre
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Vaccine quota

Today's volatility range: The news that the US$ 900 billion second round of epidemic relief measures will be passed by both parties is beneficial to the gold market, but gold has been rising for many
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Gradually dawning

Today's volatility range: Last week, the United States announced that the decrease in non-agricultural employment in the United States was beneficial to the gold market. In addition, the news that th
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Today's volatility range: The news that the US$ 900 billion in the second round of epidemic relief measures will be passed by both parties is widely sung. The US dollar continues to weaken, and the p
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UK approves new crown vaccine

Today's volatility range: The US dollar continued to weaken, and the gold market did not fear the news that the vaccine was officially launched in the UK. The gold price continued to rebound yesterda
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A footstep away

Today's volatility range: Gold retaliated yesterday. The new U.S. Treasury Secretary showed doves during his tenure as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. It is expected that there may be a larger
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Very cold, the guests are rare

Today's volatility range: Gold continues to be under pressure, but with the implementation of quantitative easing by central banks around the world and the sustained low interest rate, after the vacc
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Focus on non-agricultural data

Today's volatility range: Gold was greatly reduced by vaccine news, while the US dollar continued to be weak, and the US dollar index once fell below 91.7 points. Central banks around the world imple
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疫苗消息被消化,新冠病毒在歐洲蔓延之勢再被市場關注, 繼德國宣佈延長封鎖措施直到聖誕節前之後,英國首相約翰遜昨日向公眾表示,英國正值嚴冬,為舒緩病毒傳播,及避免醫療機構不勝負荷, 將重新實行防疫三級制措施直至明年春天,英國大部分片地區將處於最高級別的第三級防疫限制,而倫敦則被列入為第二級。 而英國財政大臣辛偉誠早日表示,因受疫情打擊,預測今年經濟將收縮11.3%。這是300年以來英國最大收縮
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Poor employment data

Today's volatility range: Vaccine news was gradually digested, and the price of gold was still sticking to the $1,800 mark per ounce yesterday. The poor performance of US employment data and the wea
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