
Worried about the second wave of the virus

While the world is eager to lift the ban on the virus, there will be another community outbreak one month after the national blockade is lifted in China, while Germany reports that the number of infec
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Insufficient employment, slowing corporate profits

On Friday, trade representatives from China and the United States spoke, saying that the two sides agreed to strengthen macroeconomic and public health cooperation and strive to create favorable atmos
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When the government sends relief money, it is not as good as digging gold yourself.

The Hong Kong government, which is in urgent need of the public, can let me apply for a copper mask yesterday when the public is ready to remove the mask! I wonder when the Financial Secretary Chen M
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Not as expected? !

The market continues to look forward to a restart of the economy. The Dow Jones Industrial Average finished yesterday and Hong Kong stocks continued to rise yesterday.  The Hang Seng Index opened lowe
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Global Stock Market and Oil Price Rebound Fade Gold Hedge Function

Yesterday, there was no definite diagnosis. The Hong Kong government announced the extension of the restriction order, but it was relaxed from 4 to 8.  The Education Bureau has also announced that cla
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Worried that a Sino-US trade war will return and gold prices will stabilize above 1700.  

Yesterday, the Hang Seng Index fell 1,000, the biggest one-day drop in Hong Kong's stock market in six weeks.  After the market closed, Financial Secretary Chen Maobo announced that Hong Kong's GDP fe
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Zhou Ping: Outbreak Receives Slightly, Sino-US Trade War Is Coming Again

The epidemic situation in Hong Kong is gradually easing, with zero confirmed cases recorded for several days in a row. The public hopes to realize that the day of normal social life as soon as possibl
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The Federal Reserve Maintains Interest Rate as Scheduled and Continues to Release Pigeons  

The market hopes that the economy will rebound soon, the US dollar and gold prices will continue to suffer setbacks, and gold prices will once again fall below the 1700 mark. However, the Federal Rese
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Market Risk Accepts Rising Gold Prices Falling for Three Days  

The price of gold returned as scheduled, but the low price also saw a rebound supported by buying. The price of gold stabilized above 1700 in the late market, and the market risk appetite rose, depres
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Japan Joins Unlimited Debt Purchase Scheme Gold Prices Fall for Two Days  

The Bank of Japan continued to rescue the market. After the meeting, it announced that it would further expand its monetary policy and purchase unlimited quantities of Japanese government bonds, which
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Weekly Review: Oil Price Smoothly Receives, Gold Price Expected to Rise Supported by Hedge Buying

We all witnessed an economic event on April 21, 2020!  U.S. Crude Oil May Futures Price Plugged to minus 37 U.S. Dollars Closing, The emergence of negative oil prices has become a hot topic in the en
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World Bank Raise Gold Price Target Gold Price Continues to Rise for Two Days  

Investors are worried about the global economic recession. The international gold price has risen for two consecutive days. The gold price has reached a two-week high. If calculated by the closing pri
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Gold price rebounded on schedule and made a successful bottom.

Recently, affected by the sharp drop in oil prices, the market was worried about the financial difficulties of oil companies, and the atmosphere in the big market turned pale. Although US stocks rebou
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Oil Price Continues to Fall, Market Risk Mood Shocks

  After Monday's sharp drop in oil prices, the June oil and spot oil also tumbled after yesterday's shift. Spot oil lost US$ 10 once again, triggering market panic. U.S. Dollar Becomes a Refuge
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Oil Price Drops to Negative Value and Seeks Bulk Cargo

The market's focus must be on the sharp drop in oil prices, which for the first time ever ended negative, at as low as $40 a barrel, shocking the market. Under the outbreak of COVID 19, the industria
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Comment: Scary Economic Data Supports US Dollar Stabilizing

After a long holiday in Hong Kong, the number of new cases in novel coronavirus has remained at the unit level every day. Readers are encouraged to continue to persevere for a while and take preventiv
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Home Economy Raises Big Market, Gold Price Falles to Low in Week

Recently, the global economy has been affected, but the residential concept industry has benefited. Last night, U.S. stocks also benefited from the support of Amazon and NETFLIX. So that that stock m
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Gold Price Continues to Reach New High in Recession

The poor economic figures released by the United States cite the recession that has supported the rise of gold. However, some people are happy and others are worried. Oil prices are affected by the ep
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Gold Takes the Lead to Win Most Markets

Gold prices hit another seven-year high. The worst of the epidemic is expected to have passed and the Dow Jones Industrial Average has begun to rebound. However, the economy is still afraid of falling
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Hedge Demand Stimulates Gold Price to 7-Year High

Gold prices hit a 7-year high on schedule and stabilized after breaking the 1700 mark. The next target will challenge the 2012 high of 1768.  A global recession is inevitable. In addition, fearing th
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